Thursday, May 31, 2007

Relief Sets In

So. Today was a decent day, you might say. I woke up at around noon, got a great night sleep thanks in part to Tylenol PM, the wonder-drug. As you may have heard, or may not have heard, or may not have even read my blogs or talked with me before, U.S. Cellular had expressed interest in my coming to work for them as a cell phone technician. I had mulled over my options for roughly two weeks. Yes, Best Buy is frustrating at times, and I had seriously considered leaving to pursue other endeavors, but ultimately, I decided that Best Buy has been too good to me over my two year stay for me to leave them.

Yes, U.S. Cellular was offering me more money, we're talking almost $2 more an hour. In the long run, I decided that an increase in pay was not enough for me to leave. My coworkers at Best Buy are my second family. So if you're my coworker, and you're reading this, I want to say thanks for being great coworkers.

In other news, the band is going "on tour" this weekend, so to speak. We're hitting LaCrosse on Saturday, and back to Dubuque on Sunday. If you're in the area, come to the Busted Lift on Sunday at about 5pm, get your drink on, and watch some great bands.

Phase I of zlobstudios is nearly complete. Waiting for the last pieces of gear and then bulldykerodeo will be hitting the studio next week. Our Tshirts are ready to go, stickers on the way. Overall, the band is moving forward at a decent pace, and the band still owes me $340.

I ain't got much else to add right now.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Arrives...

Tis been awhile since I posted. Since my last post, I have completed my last final and totally moved out of Platteville. Over the year, I learned quite a few things. I definitely grew up, and have a true understanding of what it means to live away from home. All in all, I'm glad I lived in the dorms, as it was a great experience, but you won't see me doing it again any time soon. I plan on living at home for both Fall 07 and Spring 08, and then after that, as long as everyone's finances allow it, I would like to get a place (whether it be an apartment or a house) for me and some friends, preferably within walking distance of school. But, that's the future, and I try not to worry about that.

More recently, I have been waiting for my grades to post on the internet. I know I passed my Java, Music Appreciation, Composition, and Leadership & Management classes, but my Trig class is another story. I went into the final with about a 75% or so, and I THINK I did at least that on the test, but time will tell.

I've been working less, making less money, yet investing more and more into zlobstudios. zlobstudios is my home recording studio that I am constantly expanding. The first recording at zlob will take place beginning the first week in June. This, of course, will be the bulldykerodeo recordings, on which I will be both producing, but also contributing some guitar playing. I plan on continuing the expansion of the studio to accommodate other local bands in hopes of recording without the cost of a professional level studio. I'm working on a website for it now, and will hopefully have it up sometime this year.

I've realized lately, that despite my free time, I don't really get much productive stuff done. I've decided today that I'm going to try and come up with a program idea and start work. I wish I knew just a LITTLE bit more about programming so I could work on some open source projects, but I'm not great at programming in anything but Java and as of right now. The time will come, I suppose.

Ah well. It's very dark outside and I'm looking forward to that coming storm. I love storms.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Finale

So yeah. Today was a pretty productive day. After hanging out with Kaylena and Nick last night, I stayed over at Kaylena's house and woke up and made myself a decent breakfast for the first time in awhile. I had two egg and cheese English muffin sandwiches...Solid. After this, we went to Kaylena's school to grab her art project, and came home. I hung out for a little bit, then I had to head home to get ready to come back to school.

So I get my shit together, and head back to Platteville, for the last time this school year. I get to my room and study for my final at 3pm. I leave, take the final, take some books back, get some food, and head off to band practice.

At practice, it was very productive. We're finally solidifying things for both the upcoming gigs and the recording of the album next month. For the win...

After practice, I came back, studied my ass off for math, but not before eating some McDonald's which put my into a minor depression. Bullshit... I'm good now, I think I'm ready for this Trigonometry test at 8am. I am tired, and ready. In approximately 11 hours (as of 11pm 5/16/07) I will have completed my first year of college.

Ah, the things I've learned this year. I've grown up quite a bit. If I weren't as tired as I am, I'd get into it now...but I'll leave that for another blog...


Monday, May 14, 2007

What a day...

Today started like any other Monday. I stayed at home last night, rather than staying in the dorms, because I didn't have any class until 1pm. So I woke up at around 11:30am and did the usual preparation so I could face the day. I left my house and began my trek to Platteville at around 12pm. I was rockin' out to some Neil Young and looking forward to dominating on my English exam. I arrive in Platteville and get a great parking spot. I unhook my iPod to take inside, and I put it into the mp3 player pouch on my laptop bag. I proceed to my room, where I look at the mess Loney left, and walk over to the window to turn the fan on. I set my laptop bag on my desk and realize that my iPod is now missing. Now, normally this sort of situation would've had me yelling, screaming, and throwing things, but since I was alone, none of those things would've done me any good. So I think to myself "how could this iPod have fallen out without me noticing?" I look all over my room, but to no avail. So, I pack up my stuff for class and retrace my steps looking for a lost iPod laying in the grass. I fail to find it. I run back to my room, just to double check, and it's still no where to be found. I trace my steps AGAIN back to my car, check under my car, under my seats, etc and still cannot find it.

By this point, I figure that if I haven't found it, it's gone. A wave of depression hits me, much like the depression I felt when mine and Bill's cars were burglarized back in August. I handled it much better than I thought I would. I had been on a money spending streak for the past month (mainly for my recording studio: zlobstudios...coming soon), and now I had to add another iPod to my shopping list. All this after just upgrading to the 80GB iPod last month.

So, I chalk up the iPod as another expense, and blame myself for not making sure the iPod was secure enough in my pouch. I proceed to my English final, which I finish in about 15 minutes, and then walk to the student center to eat some food. I eat some good Chinese food while enjoying "The Colbert Report." My mind is finally off of the iPod and I begin moving on with life... after all, this isn't the first time I've lost something.

I come back to my room, and begin bitching to everyone I know that I lost my iPod. I try to get over it, but I work hard for my money, and don't like losing my shit. Everyone tells me it's OK, but's not.

Around 5pm, I'm nearly over the iPod situation, and begin studying for my next final. I take a break from studying and lean back in my chair to take a deep breath. When leaning forward again, I catch a glimpse of something underneath the bed. I take a second look, and realize what I'm looking at. Stunned, I just stare at it, rather than trying to grab it. After about 10 seconds, I come to my senses and reach under, and grab what I've been looking for all afternoon, my treasured iPod, loaded with 30GB of music, all safe and sound in my room. A feeling of relief comes over me, and my day brightens again...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Beginning (and the End)

Yeah... I'm bored, and am really looking for something to occupy myself. So I figured, since the internet is turning into a giant blog, I figured I would join. I don't have much to say right now. I'm in the middle of a review sheet for trigonometry, which is the only final I have to study for. Overall, the year has gone pretty quickly, and hopefully my next 91 credits go as smoothly as these first 29, and I'll be out of here in no time.

Until next time...