Thursday, May 31, 2007

Relief Sets In

So. Today was a decent day, you might say. I woke up at around noon, got a great night sleep thanks in part to Tylenol PM, the wonder-drug. As you may have heard, or may not have heard, or may not have even read my blogs or talked with me before, U.S. Cellular had expressed interest in my coming to work for them as a cell phone technician. I had mulled over my options for roughly two weeks. Yes, Best Buy is frustrating at times, and I had seriously considered leaving to pursue other endeavors, but ultimately, I decided that Best Buy has been too good to me over my two year stay for me to leave them.

Yes, U.S. Cellular was offering me more money, we're talking almost $2 more an hour. In the long run, I decided that an increase in pay was not enough for me to leave. My coworkers at Best Buy are my second family. So if you're my coworker, and you're reading this, I want to say thanks for being great coworkers.

In other news, the band is going "on tour" this weekend, so to speak. We're hitting LaCrosse on Saturday, and back to Dubuque on Sunday. If you're in the area, come to the Busted Lift on Sunday at about 5pm, get your drink on, and watch some great bands.

Phase I of zlobstudios is nearly complete. Waiting for the last pieces of gear and then bulldykerodeo will be hitting the studio next week. Our Tshirts are ready to go, stickers on the way. Overall, the band is moving forward at a decent pace, and the band still owes me $340.

I ain't got much else to add right now.


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