Monday, June 4, 2007

bulldyke tour '07

It's Monday. I am sore. I am tired. Overall, I feel like complete shit.

Saturday, I woke up at around 2:30 and lazed out for 2 hours until we had to meet at Pirhana's house before trekking up to La Crosse, WI to play. I had the van with me, so we loaded that bitch up, and went on our merry way. The drive isn't bad, Kurt and Werner accompanied me in the van, so general conversation made the trip seem shorter. We get to La Crosse, start loading in. I'm somewhat disappointed as there's only ~20 people in the whole bar. I get over it quickly. The band playing before us, Orwell, takes the stage. They're not horrible, but not anything I'd listen to in my free time. After Orwell finishes, they pack up, and all but one of their members are kicked out of the bar for being underage. Of course, 12/16 of the remaining people leave the bar. We take the stage and play for 4 people: two fat guys, one of the fat guys' girlfriend, and one of the guitarists from Orwell. The real story however is much more interesting. Pirhana, in his infinite wisdom, decides that it would be a GREAT idea to drink heavily before the show. Needless to say, he gets totally wasted and can barely function, let alone play his instrument. Pirhana ends up playing like shit, being a total jackass to EVERYONE, and to top it all off, gets punched in the face by Werner. All in all, the night was fun, we sold a tshirt, met some good people, and we rocked some covers with our newest fans.

Sunday, I woke up, and felt pretty decent despite coming home at 5am, unloading all of our shit, and still staying up until 6:30am before going to bed. I wake up at about...2pm and realize that me unloading the van was worthless because I could've used it again. I call my dad, get the van, and load everything myself. Go to the show, unload, the usual BS. Some guy, Orthus, and Reptar play. In the mean time, I go to A&W and eat a double cheeseburger, while feeling a heart attack coming. I go back, and Black Cobra is getting ready to take the stage...


Black Cobra totally destroys all. And when I say destroy, I mean they fuckin' ANNIHILATED. I buy a shirt and CD, and we take the stage. I knew that this show could not possibly go as bad as Saturday night's show. We open up with "Scumbags Meet the Judge on Monday Morning" -- I must remind everyone that we were playing for quite a few people, compared to the usual Busted Lift shows -- and we're fuckin' ON. The song goes great, and we're just beating bitches up. State of the Art Bang Bang is next, which also went very well. We play the rest of our set and it, for me at least, was probably the best show we've ever played. We played some Danzig with none other than Mr. Kolker, the creepy soundguy, and Kiss' "Cold Gin" and Dangerous Toys' "Teas'n Pleas'n." The crowd, of course, eats our covers up and it's a great time had by all.

Then I wake up today, and I feel like total dogshit. I'm better now, but overall, it was fuckin' worth it.

I went out today and dropped another $100+ on studio gear (mainly cables, mic clips, and other miscellaneous debris). The studio, I believe, is set to go. We're planning on beginning the recording process this Thursday, so hopefully Werner doesn't book us any more shows until it's done, so you fine folks can all buy the album at our next show.

I'm fuckin' done...

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