Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Arrives...

Tis been awhile since I posted. Since my last post, I have completed my last final and totally moved out of Platteville. Over the year, I learned quite a few things. I definitely grew up, and have a true understanding of what it means to live away from home. All in all, I'm glad I lived in the dorms, as it was a great experience, but you won't see me doing it again any time soon. I plan on living at home for both Fall 07 and Spring 08, and then after that, as long as everyone's finances allow it, I would like to get a place (whether it be an apartment or a house) for me and some friends, preferably within walking distance of school. But, that's the future, and I try not to worry about that.

More recently, I have been waiting for my grades to post on the internet. I know I passed my Java, Music Appreciation, Composition, and Leadership & Management classes, but my Trig class is another story. I went into the final with about a 75% or so, and I THINK I did at least that on the test, but time will tell.

I've been working less, making less money, yet investing more and more into zlobstudios. zlobstudios is my home recording studio that I am constantly expanding. The first recording at zlob will take place beginning the first week in June. This, of course, will be the bulldykerodeo recordings, on which I will be both producing, but also contributing some guitar playing. I plan on continuing the expansion of the studio to accommodate other local bands in hopes of recording without the cost of a professional level studio. I'm working on a website for it now, and will hopefully have it up sometime this year.

I've realized lately, that despite my free time, I don't really get much productive stuff done. I've decided today that I'm going to try and come up with a program idea and start work. I wish I knew just a LITTLE bit more about programming so I could work on some open source projects, but I'm not great at programming in anything but Java and as of right now. The time will come, I suppose.

Ah well. It's very dark outside and I'm looking forward to that coming storm. I love storms.


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