Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's Been Awhile

So yeah...It has been a LONG while...

First and foremost, I'd like to tell you about how life has been. Most of my time lately has been focused on the band's album. We've finally got all of the drums tracked and 3/5 of the bass. "Scumbags..." has been completely tracked and I just need to make a few minor adjustments and it's ready to go, you can preview the track HERE. Other than that, the band has been taking it easy as far as touring goes, which is good, because I'd like to focus on the album only until it's finished.

I've been starting to get the studio organized. I just bought a new storage cabinet for all of my shit, and it's beginning to feel like a real studio. Our friends from Between The Eternities will be joining me in the studio soon, hopefully before summer is out.

Summer is finally beginning to feel like summer.

The real point of this blog (it's 4:20am...smoke up Johnny...) is that I am stuck awake because when I get into an organizing mood, there's really no stopping me. I'm not tired right now, but I have to be in the studio again at 11am. Oh well, life goes on, I suppose. It's not like I have to work tomorrow...

Speaking of work, I really wish I could get some more hours, but I have been enjoying the time off, I won't lie to you. Work is work, and I need the money.

Blah blah blah.

I went canoeing last week and it was good, minus sunburn and having to jump into the creek to get our canoe unstuck. The fireworks were good, I enjoyed myself. I must admit, I even enjoy the massive downpour immediately following the conclusion of the fireworks...things like that make life a bit more interesting.

I'm ready to go back to school, which I know sounds stupid to most of you, but I really want to get school over with, get my degree, secure a real job, let the money start flowing, and begin my life.

Who knows what life holds for me after I finish school. I've considered continuing school and getting a Master's degree, but who knows. I also considered studying abroad, but at this point in my life, I really don't feel like leaving the country for an extended period of time. I'll probably end up finishing school, moving to a bigger city (not Chicago big, but maybe Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, or Madison big) and getting a job as a software developer. Ah well, I've got about 3 years to worry about that...so I won't get into it now.

Life is swell over all, and to anyone who reads this, I wish you the same...

Until next time...


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